Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Our God is a hidden God...

sanctifying grace, cont.

But who really values this concept? Who really understands it? Who can understand it? Even the Saints: did they know everything there is to know about sanctifying grace? While the relationship of a soul with their God is something completely intimate and unknown to others, I think it's safe to say that even the Saints -those who knew God on Earth and now in Heaven- did not completely understand sanctifying grace...

sanctifying grace

Sanctifying grace is the Life of God dwelling in the soul of man. Our souls are tents in which the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit live. They sit around and have a conversation. In the middle is a low table, on which is a pitcher of iced tea and a small stack of clear plastic cups. In some sense it is obvious that each of us is a temple of God: we often say and hear things like, "the human spirit","Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.", "the strength in each of us"... in homilies, we hear of tulip bulbs ingrained with the knowledge necessary to grow into a beautiful flower, of old ladies who instinctively let a person make a right turn onto the road.

All of the Saints speak of it to some degree. How could they not? It's the deepest thread of the Bible, a constant topic, which litters and can be found everywhere in the Bible...